Who we are...
We are a volunteer civic innovation 501c3 status Non profit 99-4612294 organization welcoming everyone interested in solving community problems in San José, California through technology, UX research, UI designs, and community partnerships.
Our mission...
Open Source San José is a diverse nonprofit volunteer group. Our mission is to make community services more transparent, accessible, and equitable by collaborating with local government and community-based organizations on civic projects to improve San José and the wider South Bay for everyone.
Our Vision...
Open Source San José seeks to be a key partner with the City of San José, other local governments, and local nonprofits in employing technological advancements to better serve its citizens. We want to be top of mind for these partners when they need a technical solution for their issues. With strong organization and leadership, we are able to quickly bring together volunteer resources and iterate fast on proposed solutions.
What we do...
We hold bi-monthly "civic hack nights in which our members work on a range of civic tech projects to improve our community.
Not a member? Come on in! We onboard new members at every meeting.
Anyone can join! Technical skills are not required to contribute. Project managers, subject matter experts, communications specialists, writers, researchers, community organizers, creatives, designers, developers, and data scientists are all welcome!